
Are web developers in demand in Australia

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flamincode admin


Are web developers in demand in Australia?

If you are here you are probably either considering becoming a web developer in Australia or maybe you want to move to Australia and want to know exactly how in demand are web developers here. 

So let's dive in

Job ad reports in Australia

The Australian government has released many reports that indicate that development and software programming jobs are one of the most in need professions in Australia.

One of them is this report that was released over a year ago by The Minister for Skills and Training of Australia, let's have a look at it:

developer job report by asutralia goverment


As you can see this report indicates that the "Software and Applications programmer" job had the second most job ads registered throughout 2023! 

And it all makes sense too, because the software development world is only getting bigger by the minute! Isn't it? 
I mean just think how many of your friends and family's day-to-day work was done through software a decade ago, and how much of it is done by software now?

But how about web developers?

Well now we know developers are in demand, but are web developers in demand too? 

The easy answer is (and I'm saying this based on my experience as a software project manager) nowadays every kind of software including mobile, desktop, game etc.. needs a web-based application to coordinate with. Anywhere in the world Australia or not.

I mean yes we can see here and there software that are only based on a specific platform like windows or Android, but they don't hold much market share. 
Today even music players are using web-based APIs.

What new game do you know that doesn't have a server to manage scores or some kind of customer service?
What new service applications do you know that is not using cloud or some kind of web-based backbone? 

What about Australia?

You need to know what's going on in the Australian job market to make a better decision.

Well, there's always LinkedIn to check! But let's check the to see how many ads were up last month (August 2024) for the web developer job position:


job positions for web developers in australia


As you can see, there has been nearly 1000 job ads just this month. And the reports show that the number of web development jobs around the world has been increasing day by day and as I said it is only logical!

But how much will I make?

Well, that is a good question. If you're thinking about how much you will make on a project you can check our web development service page to see how much Australian developers charge for projects, but if you want to know how much can you earn in a year if you become an employee then keep on reading. In the next section, we will learn how to check if specific professions are in demand and how much we can earn from them.

Well, we all know developers are in demand pretty much everywhere in the world, but development has many subcategories and jobs nowadays. So maybe you are a web developer, mobile app developer, or some other type of programmer, how can you know for certain if you are in demand or not?

How to findout if your profession is in demand?

 The easiest way is just to go to your LinkedIn account and set the location to Australia and search developer in the search box like this:


is your developer profession is in demand


It enlists all of the job positions In Australia that match your LinkedIn profile, 
As you can see for me it's listing .net development job request in Australia. If you go on and read the descriptions of the jobs you can almost always fifland an estimate of your earning rate in them. 

Main challenges of a developer in Australia

Main challenges of a developer in Australia

Developers face some challenges in Australia. Of course, they are not a reason not to pursue programming. But these are the facts.


Many business owners prefer to choose development services from other countries, mainly because of the difference in labor costs. But in my experience, there have always been and will always be cheaper prices than you. That won't affect your career, especially when, nowadays, companies have policies like using an Australian-only access level for their data servers.

High Competition

Many complain about outsourcing or high competition in these fields, but I find these dialogues dull. There are people making money from it. High competition means high value. Just make sure you like it and learn an up-to-date stack. That's all.

Change of technology

change of technology in australia

Programming is not for someone who wants to learn and use a single skill for a lifetime.

One of my friends once told me that the software development industry is like a swamp. If you stay, you drown. The never-ending change and growth in technology, frameworks, and languages can be overwhelming. But this is the nature of this field. It will never change, so get used to it. But if you stick to the fundamentals and understand them behind the scenes, you will have no problem.

So that’s it?

Well, yes, this is an easy question to answer, and I didn't want to take more of your time than necessary, so if you have any questions, ask us in the comment.
Keep in mind that demand can change from time to time, but I don't see anytime soon that programming or web development will be out of demand. In fact, the demand has increased lately due to the new era of artificial intelligence, and the need for web applications that harness that power is increasing daily. 
To get into this field, you should read a lot and be flexible to changes.

We will probably write an article about the different salaries of software developers. We already did one about how much web developers make in Australia. It's a good read for people trying to mate their market value in Melbourne.
Tune in to Flamincode, and Have a good one!




Just the admin
flamincode admin


Just the admin

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